wisdom 2.0 - Day 1

wisdom 2.0 - Day 1

the best conference to meet mindful and conscious people and make deep connections


780 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA


Saturday, February 20, 2016


personal highlights

  1. Wisdom 2.0: the conference for seeker of greater wisdom, purpose and meaning
  2. Camp grounded: turning off my mobile phone and enjoying great conversations
  3. Conversations: approaching random attendees and having instantly a deep connection
  4. Eye contact: this conference attendees are not afraid to look into each others eyes
  5. Speakers: high-quality speeches, panel talks and question-and-answer sessions

image sources

  1. digital detox @ camp grounded
  2. official wisdom conference logo
  3. the best conference I've visited
  4. conscious business by linkedin
  5. meeting 3'000 wisdom seekers

video impression

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