4 Healthy Snacks to Bring on Travels

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Traveling plans, road trips, and other outdoor activities are unimaginable without something to munch on. We often take potato chips, baked goods and other unhealthy snacks on travels. Although we love junk food and they make our trip more fun, we need to concentrate on healthy snacks too.

To list down these 4 healthy snacks that you could bring on travels, we need to answer a few questions first:

● What kind of food do we bring on road trips?

We take snacks that are compact, easily carried with small containers, not hard to eat and don't get our fingers too dirty.

● Why do we bring the food on road trips?

We bring snacks on long road trips to fill us up and give us more energy. We need to sustain ourselves, that's why we address to water and high-calorie snacks.

Once you realize what and what kind of food we should bring on road trips, it will be easier to choose from whatever you got in the refrigerator, or buy yourself some new snacks.

Take dried fruit on your road trip

Dried apricots, dried grapes, dried plums, dried apple, and all the other dried fruits are the best solution for a quick and healthy snack in the car.

Dried fruits are delicious. They are nutritious and high in calories. Some experts say that eating fresh fruits are better than eating dry. But think about them as replacements for candy. Instead of bringing sweet strawberry candy on the road, try substituting it with dried apricot or other fruits.

Fresh Fruits in South Africa

Trail mix all the way

Everyone loves making their own trail mix. You can go ahead and buy it at your local store, but it's better to throw in something that you like, instead of picking the non-favorite food out of the bought one.

Take a bunch of walnuts, almonds, raisins, dried berries and another brainfood like described here. Mix them together in a bowl, place it in a zip bag or a small container and enjoy.

Prepare smoothies for the road

Smoothies are great. They are essential for cleansing our body of bad components and cleaning our digestive system. They fill up our stomach and are full of nutrients.

Nutritional facts depend on what you put in it. We love to separate fruit and vegetable smoothies. Fruit smoothies are fun and tasty, they taste like tougher fruit juice. Veggie smoothies are more serious and fitness-friendly. Both types can fill you up and grant you with the energy you need to fulfill your travel plans on a daily basis.

Energy bars

Energy bars are all over the stores and pharmacies. They are designed specifically for on the road situations. Their nutritional value is essential for our bodies. They are compact and well-packaged.

And what's most important, you can make your own energy bar at home. Here's a bunch of energy bar recipes for everyone's taste.

Now that you know what to stock up on, you are ready to go on an energy-full road trip. You can find other healthy snacks at your house and bring them on the road.

4 Healthy Snacks to Bring on Travels