The Hard Work of Being a Travel Blogger
Running a personal blog and being a blog traveler is not the same. People who’re traveling a lot usually want to share their traveling stories with other people. One of the fundamental ways to share it with your family and friends is to tell them the story directly.
What about other people who might be interested in your story too? The most convenient way to share your story with masses is by creating a travel blog. With travel blog and technologies, you can quickly reach out thousands of interested travelers. This is when things are getting really interesting for you.
Becoming a fulltime travel blogger is an entirely different lifestyle. You will have to think about your audience and how to attract more followers. Today, it is absolutely possible to monetize your travel activities and earn a decent living on the road. While being a travel blogger is an exciting thing to do for a living, there are many hard truths you need to be aware of before starting your travel blog.
1. Be Prepared for Hard Work

If you’re not ready to work hard as a blogger, then you can forget about succeeding in that field. It may take few years of hard work to see first financial results, but if you’re passionate about it, then you should endure. Having a full-time travel blog isn’t only about content writing as it’s just taking a small part in travel blogging.
You will need to learn many practical and technical skills to succeed in this field. For example, setting up your website, talking to potential advertisers, social media marketing and using other channels of digital marketing.
A great thing about it is that you will probably create connections and relationships with influencers in the industry. Another exciting thing is that you can easily monetize these newly acquired skills and attract some clients in a freelance market. Just be open-minded and ready to learn new things each day and you’re on an excellent way to become a successful travel blogger.
2. Statistics Are Not on Your Side

Do you know that only a small percentage of travel bloggers actually make some money through their blogs? What about the rest? Well, if there is only a tiny amount of travel bloggers who’re making a full-time income with their blogs, the majority of blogs won’t earn any money. It’s just a reality and everyone starting out should face it. It may be hard to accept that fact as you know there is so much work in front of you.
The best way to accept that truth is to simply lead a travel blog as your hobby and be passionate about the things you write. If you’re not excited about travels, people will notice that and that’s when you’ll lose your readership. That way, you probably won’t give up on blogging, but you will learn many critical skills. Monetize these skills as a freelancer and build a steady client-base and income. You can invest in your travel blog or fund your travels with that newly acquired skills.
3. Being a Travel Blogger Will Require Investing

If you’re planning to start as a blog traveler full-time, then it’s better to think about investment strategy right away. Travel bloggers who have successful blogs invested so much time and money in sites to become profitable. It’s the same with every business. If you plan to get your blog to another level, then you should invest some resources other than your time. To start a travel blog, you will need to invest in hosting/domain, design, logo or even more things.
You can also learn to do some of this thing by yourself which will save you some money but also can land you clients. It’s a common thing that people who travel and work online don’t have much time to invest in their hobbies. If that’s the case with you, then you should definitely hire a professional who’ll do the work instead of you. It’s a crucial thing that your blog is always updated with new and interesting content which will make your readership engaged.
4. Traveling Experiences Will Be Different
You simply can’t expect the same traveling experiences when you’re running a travel blog. Like I already mentioned, it’s not one-dimensional work and many things need to be done right. Your most important task should be a communication with your readership and form the relationships in the blogging world. These activities require a lot of time, energy, and skills. If you want to explore and experience a certain destination correctly, then you need to have enough time and energy during your days.
When you’re a travel blogger, you should be aware of the fact that you’re not on vacation on your trip. Of course, you will find a free time to explore the place, but you should be effective in organizing and planning your days ahead. You can expect that sometimes all of your friends will participate in an adventurous activity while you’re sitting in front of laptop making calls with clients or advertisers. If you’re a severe travel blogger, then you should accept that your trips aren’t the vacations anymore, but means of expanding.
What do you think about becoming a travel blogger? Share your story with us!