Fascinating fulltime traveling family: Lea, Luk & Paul Interview
Can you travel fulltime as a family?
Most people assume it is not possible to travel long-term as a family. But it only takes one sample to prove them wrong. We are excited to present to you our fulltime traveling family from Germany: Lea, Luk, and Paul. I have met them personally in a repair shop in Osh, Kyrgyzstan
, and was fascinated by their adventures. Today, I’m happy to share their story with you in my overlander interview series.
Lea, Luk, and Paul is a fulltime traveling family from Germany, ever since they have left their home in Munich, over two years ago. Lea is a passionate fashion designer, loves traveling, yoga and silence. The 5-year-old Luk loves milk and playing the whole day, besides learning English on his own. Paul loves playing and working with kids. Continue reading to learn more about this fascinating German travel-family!
1. Tell us a bit about yourself, what’s your name and where are you from?
We are Lea and Paul, both mid 30, and Luk our 5 years old son, a family from Munich, Germany and started our journey with a van over 2 years ago. After visiting South East Asia (SEA), central Asia
and India
, our next direction is Mongolia. Being open-minded and curious, we prefer to see and feel the world with our own eyes instead of listening to the media too much or reading a tourist guide about.
2. You have done some amazing road trips, how did your journey start?
Our trip started with the crazy idea to go all the way from Germany to India – and if possible even to Vietnam. So, we bought a Fiat Ducato from a friend, converted it step-by-step into our new home, saved money for a few years and then started finally in May 2017.
3. Please, tell us more about your Overlanding experiences, where did you drive?
Ever since we left our home and during the whole trip, we made many positive experiences. we met thousands of lovely, friendly and especially helpful people. Whether it’s an invitation for a chai in the middle of nowhere, a flat tire on the beach near Athens or a broken fuel pump in the highest mountains of China, there are fantastic people everywhere.
Our route lead through the Balkan states, Greece, Turkey
, Georgia
, Armenia
, Iran
, Pakistan
, and India. Once around India and back to the north of Pakistan crossing China to Kirgizstan, which was actually not in our plan. During winter, we had a new experience, backpacking through Vietnam, Laos
, Cambodia
, and Thailand
. Currently, we are on the way towards Russia
to reach Mongolia.
4. How do you plan a new adventure and how do you find the ideal route?
For us, there is no ideal route, we are no big planners. We decide day by day from country to country and moving on our own pace. As long as we have money we just go on!
Only a few countries really need travel preparation, to get a visa or a tour-guide.
5. What car are you driving and how are you usually sleeping on the road?
We are driving a Fiat Ducato from 2007 (without 4x4) self converted to a motorhome. We sleep, cook and live in the car. That means, overnight we stay in our car and try to catch up spots next to rivers, lakes or the ocean. We also had really bad spots during our journey, for example on a high frequented road with trucks or a place with millions of mosquitos.
6. How is your mechanical knowledge, how much can you fix yourself?
Haha, we have absolutely zero mechanical knowledge. But on the trip, we got a really good ear for the noises of the car and a good feeling what will break next. We learned that everywhere in the world, there is somebody with a solution to solve the problem, as long as you have time. I mean, this is how we met you (Adrian) on the road.
7. How are you funding your road trips? (savings, sponsors, working abroad)
Three years we saved all our money and worked hard for it.
8. You travel as a family, how do you manage to be so close all the time?
Good, we are used to having a small home for a long time. All the more we enjoy the huge “world garden” in front of our door and try to listen to what other members of the family need.
9. What does meaningful traveling mean to you?
Very simple: traveling means quality of life.
10. What are the worst things that happened to you on the road?
Our worst moment was when a bunch of teenagers started shooting, just a few meters away from our sleeping spot near the lake. We packed our stuff immediately and escaped. A few days later, a lady told us, we don’t have to worry, that’s just the teenager’s hobby.
11. What is the best thing about Overlanding, why are you traveling like this?
Our favorite aspect of Overlanding is, that culture, landscape, and climate all are gradually changing. Man-made borders get blurry and everything melts into one big world.
12. Do you have any advice for people who want to do their first big road trip?
Trust, stay curious and don’t be afraid. We are all the same people.
13. What are your next plans?
Slowly, we are heading towards Mongolia, more we don’t know.
Learn more about Lea, Luk, and Paul, the traveling family from Germany, on their blog, follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.