Getting Better: Why Global Development Is Succeeding and How We Can Improve the World Even More
Life in the modern world is challenging, but it is also full of experiences our ancestors did not even dream of. Whenever you hear those negative forecasts and thoughts of the current dark era in the history of mankind some people spread, try to look back and see how much people have achieved throughout the centuries. Be a realist, look at the facts instead of emotional stories. Have a look at the death rates and life expectancy, for example, and you will see that our species is becoming better by the day.
We, humans, are willing to improve the world, and it is what we do day after day. Our life is becoming more comfortable, our desires are being fulfilled. Look around. In the rapid pace of the modern world we are still happy, we are in the process of constant development, and we are ready to change our vision of the world and its issues. If you happen to discover the book “Getting Better: Why Global Development Is Succeeding and How We Can Improve the World Even More” by the American economist Charles Kenny, you are really lucky. The author proves that the human race is succeeding and the global development is taking place. He also suggests the ways to improve the world and make it a better place.
Listen to the summary at Blinkist or Listen to the book at Audible.
How can we measure development?
The common misconception is that we should measure the development of our society by the growth of the income. However, this is a very narrow view, and it does not give you a full picture. What matters is the quality of life. This is a factor which should be considered to estimate the progress. The world is still facing lots of issues, including global poverty, demographical crisis and economic struggles of certain regions. However, we can see that the quality of life all over the world has been improving during the last decades. There are lots of positive tendencies in all spheres of the human activity, and it is beyond doubt. People are inventing things which make our lives easier and more comfortable.
We can solve our tasks faster and work more productively with the help of technology and electronics. There are people who are questioning the positive impact of technology. However, their blame and critique are not reasoned. Of course, there are some concerns, especially coming from the educators and young learners’ specialists. Technology should be a tool to improve the world, and not to “kill time” or replace real communication or teaching.
How the quality of life is improving
Nowadays there are lots of programs which aim at increasing the quality of life. Those programs are the ones you should consider if you are willing to improve the world. You might not see the growth of income right away, but it should not discourage you because this is not the factor which the overall development is measured by. The quality of life is improving all over the world including the underdeveloped countries. They are still building up their economics and searching for their way out of the poverty trap. However, there are lots of positive changes and tendencies which can be observed even in the third world countries.
People get to see more opportunities; they start traveling more and immersing in other cultures they learn things they have not even heard about before. That inspires them, lets them implement their fresh ideas and make the world even a better place.
The future should be brighter
Taking into account all the changes we have experienced during the past decades, we can say that the future is going to be even brighter because we observed all those developmental tendencies during this period. We should develop our critical thinking, put things into perspective, instead of letting the pessimistic thoughts conquer our mind. The huge progress which our mankind has achieved cannot be hidden. We see the great minds of the modern world and the impact they have on our lives. It is vital to think rationally, analyze every situation and act appropriately. That is why, if you want to improve the world, you should start with yourself.
Check your mindset, get free of negative thoughts and start thinking positive. Then, the new colors of the world will open up to you, and you will discover lots of opportunities for the further development. It is not only about believing in a brighter future. It is about foreseeing the consequences of your actions and taking right decisions on the way to success.
Now it’s your turn to improve the world!
Your desire to help others is great, and if you put your ideas into actions, it is even greater! You can start changing the world today, making a difference, sharing the light you have inside with the others. And then the future of the whole mankind will certainly be bright!