Ways to Create a More Mindful Travel Experience

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Traveling should be fun, right? Exploring the world should be an adventure, an opportunity to break away from the routines of daily life, see new places, experience new things and learn a thing or two about our planet. So why is traveling often so stressful? It seems like we are always rushing from place to place like the world would end if we took a break. There is always a bus or a plane to catch, a hotel with limited check-in time, another item to be crossed off a to-do list and another location to be visited. Instead of getting caught in all this chaos made of schedules and selfies, why don’t you consider practicing mindful travel?

And no, it has nothing to do with practicing yoga on a golfing vacation, doing Tai Chi in the park, veggie smoothies, and meditation apps. Mindfulness is a way of life that allows you to be fully present and conscious of the world around you. How many times you have been at a wonderful location, and you spent every minute planning where you will go next and what else you need to see? By practicing mindful travel you will be able to get caught up in the moment and fully experience everything that place has to offer, instead of focusing on your next ten steps. If you wish to live in the present moment and completely enjoy your journey, here are several steps that will help you practice mindful travel.

Engage with your surroundings

For so many people, travel is an escape from their everyday lives. They go someplace just so they could run away from something that was bothering them back home, whether it is their work, family or something else. However, if you look at travel as a way to escape, you will always be focused on what lies ahead, not on the present. Therefore, instead of looking forward, engage with your surroundings and appreciate whatever you are currently doing. Move slowly, take deep breaths, interact with local people and you will learn much more about the place than by snapping hundreds of selfies. 

Help local shops and companies

When it comes to travel, most tourists have the same old routine – they stay at a big chain hotel, they hire a guide to show them all the important attractions and then they pack their things and move on to another destination. Although this pattern helps you cross yet another location from your list, it doesn’t really allow you to get to know that place and the way it moves and breathes. Therefore, choose a different path and aside from exploring the major landmarks, seek out local shops, contribute to the local economy and truly immerse yourself in the destination.

Take time to reflect

Before you pack up your things and move on to the next item on your list, take time to reflect on your experiences. Take a moment for yourself to go over everything you’ve done, seen and learned, and you will be able to appreciate more the things you have experienced and fully comprehend the mistakes you made. By gaining perspective you will be able to grow both as a person and as a traveler. 

Be grateful

Never take things for granted, and instead appreciate the beauty of the country you are visiting, the sights you have seen and sounds you have heard. Through gratitude, you will be able to maintain a strong connection to the world around you. After all, if you are not grateful for this experience, then why travel at all?

If you are tired of pointless hopping from one place to another, and you want to come back home with something other than a couple of souvenirs and hundreds of photos, create a more mindful travel experience with these useful strategies.