Permits, Visas & Permission: Know Before you Go!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Travel is a great thing. There is nothing quite like getting out of your own experience, out of your comfort zone and being somewhere new. As much as trips, travel, and moving around is beneficial for the soul. There is a lot of practical planning that needs to go along with it. You should be aware that where you go can vastly alter the type of visa or permission you might need. A thorough and detailed program of research is essential to make sure you have everything in place long before you travel. Be sure not to give out any false information as this could result in any application being rejected, and you have to start all over again. Make sure that you know before you go to avoid nasty surprises.

Countries with Reciprocal Arrangements

The simplest form of international travel is to visit countries that have reciprocal travel arrangements with your own. The devil is in the detail here though as not all reciprocal deals work in the same manner. A classic example is the Schengen zone within the European Union, in this area, any citizen of any nation may travel, live, and work in any other. This is a very generous example of such a scheme. Other close nations have their arrangements, such as the UKinfo-icon and the USAinfo-icon, where you can apply for a tourist visa by filling in a simple online form. However, this arrangement does not cover working there, for which a much more thorough employment visa will be necessary. 

One quick way to get around some of the restrictions for traveling or moving to another country is to apply for a second passport. If you are entitled to one. Many countries allow you to apply for a passport if you have a parent or even a grandparent of that nationality. If you have a European relative who qualifies you for a French or Spanish passport, it's worth taking up the offer. Crossing international borders also require a clean record. If you need assistance, have a look at the National Pardon Centre

Working & Professional Trips

For work and professional travel, there is a lot to be considered. You should be aware that there is a difference between a migrant and an ex-pat? It's important to know the difference should you find yourself wondering what is an Expat? A migrant is moving to a foreign country intending to remain there either permanently or for the foreseeable future. An ex-pat is one who is moving to live rather than visit and is taking the view that the extent of their visit will be prolonged, but not intended to be permanent. There are various things to be planned before embarking on a trip to work abroad. In addition to the visa, we've already discussed. You need to arrange your accommodation, tax affairs, and travel arrangements, and even though the work permit and visa are organized remember to bring them with you, including online backups.

Politically Sensitive Areas

There are various places in the world where getting a visa is more complicated than others. Take Tibet as an example. This autonomous region is officially part of Chinainfo-icon, and as such is controlled by the Chinese government. This means as well as the usual Chinese visa for travel you will require a letter of permission to travel there. You can be sure the authorities are going to do a little research into your past, political leanings, and the potential for you to be a trouble-maker in their eyes. There are plenty of places where this is also the case. I remember being interrogated by immigration officers at length on entering Israelinfo-icon, and many parts of Russiainfo-icon require extremely strict visas to visit.


Some visa applications are lengthy and time-consuming, where others are a simple web form. In the same way, there are some places where it is much easier to get work permits or citizenship. Naturally, those places that take the longest are often the most desirable destinations, so be sure to allow as much time as possible for approval before setting the date of travel.


Once you have chosen your destination of choice, the reason for your visit, and researched what permits are required to travel, and then need to make sure you have all of the appropriate documentation to have the application approved. It's amazing how often you cannot find an important document when you need it. Common ones needed include a birth certificate, passport, and marriage certificate. If you do have to embark on a mammoth search to find these items, then ensure you choose a better place to keep them. One time I spent several hours looking for my passport only to find it in a box marked, "travel stuff" sometimes, the correct place is correct. Also, make sure you have all the necessary health insurance in place.