Stop Watching TV is the BEST Thing I’ve Ever Done!
Modern society is a fascinating phenomenon. With all the technological progress and high-tech innovations, our lifestyle has changed significantly during the past decades. We have become dependent on electronic devices and started spending less time with our family and friends offline. Technology does make our life easier and more comfortable but to a certain extent.
Today many people decide to stop watching TV and reading news because they realize that it is not the best way to spend their time. This realization is a key step to changing your life and filling it with more meaning and lots of colorful experiences. Television was a great invention and has become a big business.
Watching TV once was a luxury and now has become a habit. But there are some questions to ask yourself.
Does watching TV make you a better person? Does it help you deal with your daily struggles and issues? Or does it make you feel happy and content? If you stop watching TV now and ask yourself all these questions, you might find out that it is time to change something in your life.
Spend more quality time with family and friends
There are lots of positive things you gain from not turning on your television. First of all, you have a chance to get engaged in some real interactions. Instead of small talk about recent news, you can build some quality conversations with your friends and colleagues.
You will surely benefit from it because those conversations are not only pleasurable but also contribute to your personal growth. It is always better to experience reality, and not just a report of it, which is provided by the TV presenters, often in a very narrow form.
Lots of people who decided to stop watching TV admit that they opened a whole new world of opportunities for communication with their peers. They have met new people and developed friendship with those who are eager to have an interesting and engaging conversation.
Open up your creative self
TV shows and soap operas in a way influence the audience dictate the modern tendencies and things like that. However, if you stop watching TV shows, you will notice that there are so many things you would like to try and explore.
Theatres, exhibitions, live shows and all sorts of social events are providing you with a great alternative to spending time in front of the flickering screen. You might wish to go back to your old hobby or find a new one. Be creative, and open your hidden talents. This is the way to discovering yourself through different activities in which you are involved.
Infotainment - great way to spend time
There is no doubt that television is a great source of information. So, why not to use it to learn new things? There are lots of documentaries and educational programs which will help you improve your knowledge and get inspired to travel places or to try things you have not tried before. If you choose infotainment, it is going to be the best choice you have ever made.
Consumerism and entertainment have become a powerful pendulum which swings the modern society, making it move back and forth, back and forth. It is time to stop those tendencies and engage yourself in something constructive and meaningful.
If you ask me what the best thing I’ve ever done is, I would instantly say that I decide to stop watching TV. “Why would you even want to do a thing like that?” you might wonder. “It is so much fun, so much adrenaline, so much drama.
Further improvement: Why I stopped watching the news?
Moreover, it is such a great way to spend time. Well, there are so many other things in real life which can bring those fresh impressions and new emotions. And it is way better to let yourself experience them you, rather them observing someone else experiencing them.
Using TV and the internet as a source for your infotainment you will benefit a lot. Learning new things, meeting new people, exchanging your experience with them is so much more useful and pleasurable. Give it a try, and you will see how your life will change, gaining sense and meaning.
Negativity coming from the TV screen is influencing us, even though it might be happening on the subconscious level. Real life is so much brighter, richer, better. There are ups and downs of course, but it is real, it is something you can experience and choose, something you will share with the future generations.
Stop watching TV shows and live the life you want!

It is time for a push. It is time to let yourself free from the TV invasion and reality show fever. Let it be, but do not be a part of it. There are so many things in life which are worth trying and exploring, rather than “killing” your time in front of the TV screen, living somebody’s else life and feeling somebody’s else feelings.
Let yourself free, let yourself out of this cunning network. It is time to move forward and away from the screen. Time to learn and time to take chances. The results of this enlightenment will surely amaze you. They will let you live the life you have always dreamt about.