Tips For Hiking Safely In Pigeon Forge

Monday, May 1, 2023

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park has over 800+ miles of hiking trails that beckon adventurers to explore, sightsee, and spend time in natural settings. And Pigeon Forge is a great place to start your journey.

Even though Pigeon Forge is populated by a few thousand residents, this small town hosts over 10 million visitors every year because of its iconic attractions, such as Dollywood. Among these visitors, at least 400,000 explore its scenic trails during the hiking season.

However, enjoying the Appalachian landscapes of Pigeon Forge requires you to be prepared to make the most of your experience and avoid getting into trouble. Follow these suggestions for hiking safely in Pigeon Forge:

1. Research the trail

Since you can take plenty of routes, it’s best to do your homework on the best Pigeon Forge hiking trails to explore and make your experience more enjoyable. Research a trail before heading on it, and ensure it isn’t closed off to visitors during your visit; some routes can be cordoned off because of bad weather and accessibility. Not doing proper research will only cause trouble when you’re on the trail and encounter something unexpected.

2. Avoid unknown paths

It’s reported that 38 hiking-related injuries occur in the Great Smoky Mountains each year. You can avoid these injuries simply by staying on charted pathways and avoiding unfamiliar trails. If you feel uneasy, avoid exploring unidentified roadways, follow your intuition, and stay on familiar trails. Remember the movie Wrong Turn? You might not come across cannibals, but many black bears ramble in the Great Smokys.

3. Wear weather-appropriate clothes

Different seasons require hikers to wear different clothes, so wear weather-appropriate clothing. Also, it’s usually 10 to 20 degrees colder in the Great Smokys; expect it to be cooler even if you’re hiking during summer. You can begin your hike by wearing summer-appropriate fashion and then layer it up with light fleece as your go higher. The temperature during winter can drop into the thirties (Fahrenheit), so be sure to be dressed in warm clothing.

4. Wear proper footwear

A successful hiking expedition requires hikers to wear proper footwear; your everyday shoes won’t help you keep a solid footing on difficult-to-climb rocks and terrain. Wearing normal shoes will lead to a painful hike. If you want to avoid blisters and swelling, bring hiking-friendly footwear or purchase it when you arrive to Pigeon Forge. There are plenty of local shops that sell good hiking shoes.

5. Prepare your backpack

It’s better to pack light when going on a hike, so only keep the essentials in your backpack. These may include a flashlight, water bottles, light snacks, insect repellants, sunscreen, and a map of the routes you plan on covering. Procure a compass, a pair of sunglasses, and a hiking pole as well.

6. Avoid facing wildlife

When treading the hiking trails of Pigeon Forge, don’t forget about the 1,900 black bears wandering in the depths of the Great Smokys. It’s estimated that every square mile has two black bears, making unexpected encounters a possibility for many hikers. Even though it’s a wonder gawking at these big, powerful, and impressive creatures, black bears can be unpredictable and dangerous, so avoid approaching them no matter what. In case you do encounter one, remember the following:

  • Keep your cool when facing black bears
  • Never try to feed them
  • Always keep a distance of 50 years from a black bear
  • If they see you, don’t turn your back on them
  • Stand your ground, make loud noises, and look intimidating

7. Try not to hike alone

Granted that many hikers prefer spending some time exploring in solitude, it’s safer if you bring a partner along. Many wayward hikers have been stranded in the woods when they try to go their separate way from the group. You can get lost on the trails when not careful enough. Therefore, t’s safer to travel with people and inform others when you try to explore things alone. Stay in contact with your mates and never step into uncharted territories in the mountains.

8. Carry enough water

Even hour-long hiking excursions can make you vulnerable to dehydration and drain all your energy. For this reason, you need to pack enough water before embarking on a hiking expedition. If the journey will take five hours, pack for six; you don’t know how much extra time you may need to navigate the forest. Carry water in bottles that aren’t easily breakable, and don’t drink water from the natural source in the Great Smokys without purifying it first.

9. Don’t cross streams

Enthusiastic hikers often try to attempt crossing streams, but doing so can be dangerous to cross on your own, especially when they’ve swollen with rainwater. It’s always safer to find a bridge to go to the other side, and if a bridge isn’t visible, walk along the waterway until you catch a glimpse of your way across.

10. Know your limits

Different trails demand various levels of physical strength to walk along. Some trails are safe for every beginner, while others should only be traversed by professionals. You should know your limits to avoid overexerting yourself while hiking. For instance, a 10-mile uphill hike isn’t okay if you are not in the prime of your physical strength. Don’t bite more than you can chew. It’s completely fine to stay humble and choose only the trails you know you can easily conquer.


Hiking can be an enthralling experience if done right, which is why you need to be prepared before heading out. Start by researching the trails so you can plan ahead. Be sure to wear the right clothing and footwear, carry a backpack with all the essentials you’ll need, including water to stay hydrated, and avoid getting into trouble with black bears. It’s better if you have company with you. Going prepared will ensure you’re able to enjoy your hiking experience without any worries.

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