Finding Volunteering Programs in Global Education
Nowadays volunteering is becoming more and more popular and volunteering programs easier to find. There are lots of reasons behind that. Volunteers have their own stories, and no one is like another. However, there seem to be a similar stimulus for the people to start their volunteering path. One of the most common reasons for people to try it out is of course making a difference. If you are ambitious and willing to make this world a better place, this kind of work is for you. You are not going to get paid, but you will get something more valuable, than financial compensation. It’s not only the experience you will get, but the changes you will make, the feeling of doing something that influences the lives greatly, the inspiration and lifelong friendships. Are you ready for all those amazing things? Then it is time to look deeper into the opportunity of working as a volunteer teacher.
There are lots and lots of volunteer programs offered by different organizations. Some of them are free of charge. Some will cost you pretty much of what you might have saved, since the costs of volunteering programs vary from $150 to couple thousands. It depends on the organization, the country and the school you are going to teach at. You do not necessarily have to be qualified and have a teaching degree to become a volunteer. If you decide to choose Asia as your destination, you will find out that there are lots of opportunities for Native speakers and European teachers to make themselves useful here. China
, Nepal
, Mongolia, Myanmar
, Thailand
, Cambodia
and Laos
are among the most popular countries to volunteer. All of these countries have various volunteering programs. They will fascinate you with their authentic culture, wonderful nature and, what’s the most important, their people, who are so ready to learn and develop themselves with your help. Sometimes You will find those 50 kids on the floor of a poorly furnished classroom with a few facilities to use somewhere in the village of Thailand and you will compare it to the schools you have seen before. And you will find nothing in common. Nothing, but those wide opened eyes of your little students, so full of wonder and thirst for knowledge. And you will feel the need to give them that knowledge, share your experience with them and show them that the world is so much broader than their little village, where they were born.
So, it does not matter if you are an experienced teacher, a fresh graduate or new to teaching. You can work as a lead teacher, teacher assistant or coordinator of extracurricular activities. So, it depends on your preferences, educational background and experience. Some volunteer organizations provide free training for the teachers, so it can give you an idea of how to help the kids develop their speaking skills and raise their level of literacy.
The most important thing is that your work is going to give so many more opportunities for the underprivileged children to continue their studies, to increase their chances to become educated young people and get a well-paid job in future.

Being a teacher, you should take into account the cultural diversity and the mentality of your students. You will surely have to alter your teaching style and get to discover new techniques to use with your students. It is true that while you teach you also learn. The outcome is amazing, to tell the truth. You get to give your students, both little ones and those older, a power to carry on with their studies, you will sparkle that flame which can change their lives and let them broaden their horizons. What about yourself? Well, volunteering programs will challenge you. You will have to experience the life on the outskirts, you will see the poverty and struggles of less fortunate families and kids. But it will shape you, inspire you for greater deeds. You will feel that you are making a difference, you will feel appreciated and you will surely be a hero for your students. There will be ups and downs, but all in all, volunteering is a great thing to do. It can be a start of your new career path, or a way to do some professional development. It will also give you a chance to travel and explore the different culture and alien life style.
Are you ready for your first volunteering programs?
So, if you are ready for that challenge, if you are keen on helping others and increasing the level of literacy in the world, why not to start your journey today? It is going to be an extremely exciting way, which will bring tears to your eyes at times and make you smile most of the times. It will let you feel needed, appreciated and useful and it will surely inspire you to do some amazing things to make this world a better place.