Angaza Kenya

Angaza Kenya

improving technology for the world while having fun with a great team!


Joseph Kangethe Rd, Nairobi, Kenya


Monday, July 4, 2016

Personal highlights

  1. Angaza Kenya: customer success and business development in East Africainfo-icon
  2. Teamwork: having lots of fun, much to think about and many conversations
  3. Usability: helping to improve the technology by talking to real people / users
  4. Offices: moving from a concrete block to a lovely house with a green garden

Image sources

  1. Fiona: customer care
  2. Radhika: business development
  3. Lindsay: director of operations
  4. Myself: product / ux consultant
  5. Rasmus: business development
  6. Priscilla: curriculum consultant

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