public transportation emulated by private saving groups and entrepreneurs
Junction Mall Parking Hall, Ngong Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
Monday, June 13, 2016
Personal highlights
- Matatu: privately operated minibuses or shared taxis, replacing public transportation
- SACCO: legal entity for a collective saving and investment (to buy a bus and rent out)
- Pimp my Ride: having the most fancy bus and loudest music attracts the most guests
- Enterpreneurs: bus driver and conductor have to collect enough money to rent the bus!
- Fake guests: to maximise profits, they only drive fully - often pretending to leave soon
Image sources
- Back of a random Matatu
- Driving with Jesus and Gandhi
- No, this is not a real police car
- Driving to work with real style
- Taking a ride with the Vikings
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