Jeppe's Reef (South Africa > Swaziland)
Jeppe's Reef (South Africa > Swaziland)
entering Swaziland, the very last absolute kingdom of the African continent

Jeppes Reef, South Africa
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Personal highlights
- Swaziland
: entering the last absolute Kingdom on the African continent
- Jeppe's Reef: small mountain pass between South Africa
and Swaziland
- Pitstop: first stop in Swaziland at a petrol station with free condoms
- Border: quick border crossing with a free visa, but some road taxes
- AVIS: picking up a rental car in Cape Town and dropping it in Mbabane
Image sources
- First glimpse of Swaziland
- Corn: the best street food
- Swaziland border sign
- Everybody's on the phone
- Walking to Swaziland
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rushing through the border and then the capital of the mountain kingdom
first immigration in Africa without a visa, but queuing behind a bus full of people